• CSS box model is a box that wraps around every html element, which contains padding, border, margin, and the content on the inside.

  • Even though both margin and padding generate space around the content/element, but margin generates the space on the outside, and padding generates space on the inside.

  • We can use "div" to setup the demensions of the HTML element, such as the height and width.

  • The CSS porperty: padding:25px 50px means: padding the top of the element 25px and right of the element 50px.

  • The difference between border and outline is that, the user is able to customize the border to shape of their liking, or border just on one side of the element. Outline can only surround the element. Both properties are able to change their apparence as solid lines, dashed lines, etc.

Comment Section:

This is actually tricky to play with, I like it a lot.