CMPS-3480 Computer Graphics
Week-5 Jello

In this lab, we will:

Step 1:
Please do these steps to prepare for coding...

1. Log into Odin, using the -YC options.
   example: ssh myname@odin -YC

2. Change to your 3480/5/ folder.

Copy the lab files now...
cp /home/fac/gordon/p/3480/code/jello/* .

Compile and run the program:

Step 2:
Follow instructions on the menu to animate the rope.

Rope is made of masses and springs.
You may experiment by changing the characteristics of the rope.

Step 3:
Press J to setup the masses for a jello square.

The jello has only masses.
You will have to connect the masses with springs.
Your instructor will get you started.

You will add the following spring types...

  . structural springs
    establishes the general shape of your jello

  . shearing springs
    adds strength and rigidity
    helps structure keep its shape as force is applied

  . bend springs
    keeps a structure from folding over on itself

Get the jello working.
You may then experiment by adding more masses, more springs, etc.

Extra homework...

Use the mouse to grab a mass on the jello.
Lift the jello with the mouse.
This is similar to grabbing a point in lab-2.

What to turn in...
Your instructor will find your work out on Odin!