1. What is a RDBMS - Stands for relational database management sysetem. It is a collection of prorgams that lets you create, updatem and administer relational database.A relational database is a database that stores date using rows and columns 2. What is a Database Schema? - It describes the struture of a database system in formal langauge. The orangization of how a database is contrusted. 3. What is an ER model? - It is the design or the blueprint of database to use at a later time. 4. What is a one to one relationship? - One to one relationship refers to that one row in ona able can only relate to one row in the table of another. Primary key value relates o only one record in related table. 5. What is a one to many relationship? - The primary key table has one record that only relates to none, one, or many or the related table. 6. What is a many to many relationship? - Each record in both tables can relate to any or many of the other records in the other table. 7. What is a tuple? - A tuple is the ordered set of values 8. What is the use for a primary key? - The primary key is used to make sure that the data in a specifc column is unique 9. Why should a primary key be unique? - The primary key should be specific to make sure the data in a column is unique. 10. What is SQL? - SQL is a structured Query Language that is used to manage relational databases and perform various operations on the date in them. 11. command for table called 'Customers' - CREATE TABLE Customers( c_id INTEGER NON NULL AUTO_INCREMENT PRIMARY KEY, c_firstName varchar(100), c_lastName varchar(100), c_address varchar(100), c_city varchar(100), c_state varchar(100), c_zip varchar(100), c_email varchar(100), ); 12. SQL new column for 'c_age' unsigned tiny integer - ALTER TABLE Customers ADD c_age UNSIGNED TINYINT 13. Create table called 'Products' - CREATE TABLE Products p_id NON NULL AUTO_INCREMENT PRIMARY KEY, p_title varchar(100), p_description varchar(100), p_price DECIMAL(13,4), ); 14. Add three records to the 'Products' table - INSERT INTO Products (p_id, p_title, p_descrition, p_price) VALUES ('product1', 'Sara', ' a human being', 4); - INSERT INTO Products (p_id, p_title, p_descrition, p_price) VALUES ('product2', 'Bart', ' a human being', 5); - INSERT INTO Products (p_id, p_title, p_descrition, p_price) VALUES ('product3', 'Mark', ' a human being', 6); 15. Add three recors to 'Customers' table - INSERT INTO Customers (c_id, c_firstName, c_address, c_city, c_state, c_zip, c_email) VALUES ('customer1', 'ber', '123 march', 'bakersfield', 'california', 93313, 'ber@gmail.com'); - INSERT INTO Customers (c_id, c_firstName, c_address, c_city, c_state, c_zip, c_email) VALUES ('customer2', 'sara', '456 march', 'bakersfield', 'california', 93313, 'sara@gmail.com'); - INSERT INTO Customers (c_id, c_firstName, c_address, c_city, c_state, c_zip, c_email) VALUES ('customer3', 'ash', '123 june', 'bakersfield', 'california', 93313, 'ash@gmail.com'); 16. table called 'Orders' - CREATE TABLE Orders( o_id INT NON NULL AUTO_INCREMENT PRIMARY KEY, o_cid VARCHAR(100), o_amount DECIMAL(13,4), o_date DATETIME, ); 17. add 3 records into 'Orders' table - INSERT INTO Orders( o_id, o_cid, o_amount, o_date) VALUES ('order1','wqeufd', 45, 2019-03-26 04:12:15); - INSERT INTO Orders( o_id, o_cid, o_amount, o_date) VALUES ('order2','werfd', 35, 2019-03-26 04:13:45); - INSERT INTO Orders( o_id, o_cid, o_amount, o_date) VALUES ('order3','wqeufd', 25, 2019-03-26 04:14:00); 18. SQL command to select all your customers - SELECT * FROM Customers; 19. SQL command to select all your Products - SELECT * FROM Products; 20. update Products price to 49.99 - UPDATE Products SET price = 49.99 WHERE c_id = 'ash'; 21. SQL command to select poducts less that 100 - SELECT * FROM Products WHERE p_price < 100; 22. SQL comand to select all orders where the order customer id is that of your first customer - SELECT * FROM Orders WHERE o_id = order1; 23. SQL command that would select all Orders above 100 - SELECT * FROM Orders; WHERE o_amount >100; 24. SQL command that would delete your last Product record - DELECT FROM Products WHERE ID= (SELECT MAX(p_id)FROM Products);