First-Person Scavenger Hunt

Andrew Burt

Update 1 - Intial Start

Using the FPS framework, we would like to learn more about map design and about importing blender objects into a scene with physics.

Along with this, we will need to learn how to add FPS movement mechanics for fluid gameplay.

Update 2 - 04/02/2020

Began working on creating the scene for the game. Imported a blender moutain into the scene and began work on blender tree objects.

Update 3 - 04/19/2020

Game has evolved from a group project into a solo project due to the covid-19 class situation

Focus of game is staying the same. Game scene is slowly being created but I have started on created various things to find. Will need to work on creating game mechanics when finding an object that you are looking for. Thinking that I will use the text on the side of the game as a list of items that you need to find. Also need to work on collison for mountain as you can currently use the camera to walk through it. Unsure how to do it precisely but will attempt to use coordinates from obj file to use as barriers.

Update 4 - 05/06/2020

Game mechanics have been added to the game

Game mechanics include: Ability to search for items, interactive list, and game over once you find all of the objects.