Questions for homework 4

  1. What is the CSS box model?
  2. What is the difference between margin and padding?
  3. How is the total height and width of an HTML element determined?
  4. Explain this CSS property: padding: 25px 50 px;

Answer to question 1

The CSS box model is the box that wraps around every HTML element. Parts of the box include: Margin, Border, Padding, Content.

Answer to question 2

Margin is the space on the outside of the container. It's not the outter most line but it's on the outside of the element. Padding is the space that is closest to the content. It's the first aread around the content that you're applying this property to.

Answer to question 3

If you're referring to the css properties, it's the width, height, mid-width, max-width, and min-height, max-height.

Answer to question 4

padding: 25px 50px; This will add padding to the top and right sides of the html element.