Final Project Proposal is an interactive JavaScript game where the visitors are tasked with matching pairs of anime-themed character cards. The objective is to match as many as possible with the amount of attempts given. The cards are arranged in a 4x4 Grid, and once solved, a new set is generated. My target audience include those who want to sharpen their memorization skills along with fellow anime fans. My homepage will consist of screenshots of the game, as well as explanations on how to maximize your score output.

Features I plan on implementing

I will stick with a grid layout for the game using CSS grids, and flexbox. As for the theme of it, I'm planning on making it a watermelon-like color scheme. The navigation will be laid out horizontally on top of the page. There are other memory games on the web but I haven't seen one with a streak meter which gives players bonus points for going on streaks, and most I've seen are old flash games. One thing I've seen from these similar types games is multiple difficulties, but I think I'll just have a round system instead to compensate for having only one difficulty.
