Lab 4

Q1: What is the CSS box model?

A: You can think of each individual HTML element as being inside of a box.
Inside this box there are different spacial properties. These consist of margins,
borders, padding, and content.

Q2: What is the difference between margin and padding?

A: Margin covers the outer space, the space in between other elements.
Padding covers the inner space, the space inside the borders of the element.

Q3: How is an HTML element height and width determined?

A: The width is automatically 100% of the screen, and the height is
determined by the element's space. They can be manually set though using the
height and width properties in pixels.

Q4: Explain this CSS property: padding:25px, 50px

A: The CSS padding properties are used to generate space around an element's content.. The 25px defines top/bottom and 50px defines 25px top and bottom, and 50px left and right.

Q5: What is the difference between a border and an outline?

A: Outlines and borders accomplish similar things however, outlines do not take up space
and outlines may not be rectangular like borders.