Poker Quiz

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  1. Hold'em is played using community cards
  2. True False

  3. A hand of 7 Card Stud is comprised entirely of down-cards
  4. True False

  5. Omaha is a popular Hold'em variant
  6. True False

  7. Players may purchase more chips in the middle of a hand
  8. True False

  9. "8 or better" game variants mean you must have an 8 or better in your hand to qualify as a high hand
  10. True False

  11. The current most popular poker game in America is:
  12. Texas Hold'em
    Omaha Hold'em
    Draw Poker

  13. The highest hand in non-wild games is:
  14. 5 of a Kind
    Full House
    4 of a Kind
    Royal Flush

  15. A "Full House" is also referred to as:
  16. a nut
    a boat
    a ship
    a triple double

  17. A standard playing card deck traces its origin back to what country?
  18. England

  19. How many cards per suit are in a poker deck?
  20. 13