How does it work?

Step 1: Ability score

Your character has 6 ability scores:
  • Strength (STR),
  • Dexterity (DEX),
  • Constitution (CON),
  • Intellect (INT),
  • Wisdom (WIS)
  • and Charisma (CHA).
Roll 4 6-sided dies and record the cumulative total of the highest 3 dice. Repeat that 6 times.

Step 2: Race

Choose the race of your character. Write it and the race's speeddown onto the character sheet. You can find all the available races on page 17 in the Players Handbook. Note: Each race has racial traits that affect your ability scores, skills checks, speed and/or proficiencies.

Step 3: Class

Now choose the class. Find the classes on page 45 of the Players Handbook. Each class will have a primary stat, hit die, saving throw proficiencies, armor and weapons proficiencies. You can find each of these on the class page.

Step 4: Background

Now decide a background. Backgrounds helps you to determine your character's behavior in certain situations. The list of backgrounds start on page 125. Each background offers proficiencies and a feature, amongst other things.

Step 5: Equipment

The final step is your character's equipment. As a professional adventure he or she will need some supplies to operate. Your standart equipment is determind by your character's class and background.