Project 3 - Android Development

Contributers: Charles Bonoan and Arvin Shertukde


  1. Description: For our application, we will be creating a 2D game that is based on using a sensor that detects the phone's tilt.
  2. To the left you can see what we intend to implement into our application. We want to keep track of player's lives and scores and want each level to become progressively harder.
  3. For the sensor, we plan on using the acceleromter to detect the tilt of the phone. However, we may need another sensor that detects the phone's inclination (upright or flat) so that when we get the data of the phone's tilt, it will be more accurate.

Data Input

  1. Sensor Input
    Since our application will mainly be using an accelerometer, the data we will be collecting is the angle that the phone is in on the X, Y, and Z axis.

  2. Value Range
    The range of values for all three X, Y, and Z axes go from -180 degrees to 180 degrees.

  3. Testing Input
    To test the sensors, we will use the emulator that Android Studio comes with. However, if the emulator is not meeting our standards for testing, we will have to buy a cheap Android device and use that for testing.

  4. Github
    To push the project to my github, I initialized a repository in my project directory from the terminal on Android Studio. Then I created a new repository in Github and pushed my repository from my project directory to Github. Here is the link to the Github repo:

Project 3 Progress

Progress on project


Future Goals

Final Project Update

Purpose Of App

Our idea for this project was to create a game application that detects the rotation of the device to move the player object left and right. We tested several sensors to see which one gave us the results we wanted, and we found out that the magnometer gave us what we wanted. Below you can see we detected the roation of the device on the Y-axis to get the player to move side to side as well as the title screen when the app starts up.

If an enemy object gets passed or hits the player, then a game over screen is shown. Example shown below.

Important Points

What We Learned