Lab 12

The purpose of this lab is to understand the concept of a recursive divide an conquer search algorithm by writing the function. For this lab you will implement the recursive binary search algorithm for a given sorted integer array.


Given: sorted array, start index, end index, key to search for
Returns: index where key is found or -1 if key is not in array

if start or end indices are invalid --> stopping condition
  return -1

if start is greater than or equal to end
  if array[start] is equal to key
    return start
    return -1

calculate mid = (start + end) / 2  
// or mid = start + (end - start) / 2
// this avoids overflow of int value

if array[mid] is equal to key
  return mid
else if array[mid] is less-than key  (search right)
  return binarySearch(array, mid+1, end, key)
else (key is less-than array[mid], search left)
  return binarySearch(array, start, mid-1, key)

Show me your completed code in class or have lab12.cpp the files within your depository directory. ~/2020_S19/wk12/