change id's for div instead of p

Q: What is the CSS box model?

The css box model is the concept (later translated to a physical layout) that every element has its own box surrounding it with predefine length width and height.

Q: What is the difference between margin and padding?

2. margin clears an area outside of an element while padding will do the same within the element.

Q: How is an HTML element height and width determined?

3. html element height and width is determined by an amount of pixels on the actual page itsef whether it be predefined or manually entered by a person. definitions include : min/max width/height

Q: Explain this CSS property: padding:25px 50px;

4. padding 25px 50px will allocate a height and width of 25 and 50 pixels respectivley with in the element as demonstrated by this particular paragraphs box model

Q: What is the difference between a border and an outline?

5. an outline is drawn outside of an elements border and can overlap other content. it is not restricted by an elements dimensions and visa versa