My goal is to make a web-based file repository for data that has basic visualization and analysis capabilities. The ultimate goal would be able to upload data (csv, most likely) and then be able to perform operations on that data. A user would be able to upload, save and share. Files and metadata would be stored in a SQL database. There would be login/logout for users and perhaps social features for frequent collaborators. It be able to perform calculations, for example a simple count of classes in a certain column. I would hopefully look to implement more complex operations like simple linear regression. I also would like to include basic visualizations. I would either use a basic graphic suite in php or something like d3.js. A user would be able to say, pick two columns of numerical data and plot them on a graph. For the back end, part of my intention is to a write a simple api that would allow other programs to access and manipulate the data. For example, I will be writing something for the Java class and would like to use PHP as a backend to supply the data for that program. Files would be stored by user. The front-end would be a basic js/html/css interface similar to google drive or a file explorer. Visitors would be able to view and perhaps do basic editing on a file. The page will have a navigation sidebar to be able to manipulate files and move through folders. It will have a login page, a settings page, a directory page and pages for each file. This would be different than something like Google Drive or dropbox in that it is focused on the idea of working with data. But it is similar in that it is also focused on saving and dealing with files. I hope to keep the layout very simple and utilitarian. One of the primary reasons I am interested in doing this is because I probably want to end up doing something data-related in the future, so this will be a useful way to learn various ways of manipulating and visualizing data in a new language.