1. The name of my website will be my name Danny Stax 2. The purpose of my website is to act as a piece of personal branding, so it will include personal info, a blog, and act as my resume. 3. My target audience are people that I am in contact with. So family, friends, but also job recruiters. 4. Home page, Resume, Blog, Interests, Contact information, (Potentially a login page) 5. Most of the pages are pretty self explanatory I think. Ideally there would be a simple login system. There will be one admin account (which can add and delete blog posts) and other accounts can be used to add replies to the blog posts. With the resume page, there will be a download button to be able to view my resume in a printable view. 6. Visitors can view the pages, download my resume, leave a reply to blogposts, the admin can login (at least the admin can, possibly users can too) and add/remove blog posts. 7. The layout will be pretty minimalistic and professional. There will be a navigation bar at the top and the pages will be horizontally centered. Each page will most likely not be too long so you don't have to scroll as much. 8. The main theme will be black/white/grey with possibly some light blue. 9. Mainly there will be a horizontal navigation bar at the top of the website. On the homepage there could also be a vertical navigation menu, depending on how much space there is on the home page. 10. A Dutch friend of mine already has a personal branding website which was the main inspiration for me to make one as well. His website is www.iskaj.nl Mine will be similar in fashion, but the main difference is that I want to add a blog/forum system to it as well. 11. A dropdown login option. So there is a login button at the top right, clicking it will make a dropdown menu visible and you can login without leaving the page. 12. Currently I feel that my website is lacking a bit in things that require JavaScript, but I'm not sure what things would fit the theme that I can add. This is the main reason I want to add a blog/reply system and login system to the website. Maybe I can come up with some more things once I'm making the website that would make the JavaScript a bit more complex.