Elena Castaneda

CMPS-3480 - Computer Graphics Fall 2021
Project Idea Project Progress Week/Lab 2 Week/Lab 3 Week/Lab 4 Week/Lab 5 Week/Lab 6 Week/Lab 7 Week/Lab 8 Week/Lab 9 Week/Lab 10

My Project Idea

Basketball - Using Lab 9 My project idea is to recreate a similar image to the picture below. I will have a basketball appear in the same position on the screen on a shiny basketball court. I will set up a key press for the ball to be bounced in a GIF animation. Some computer graphics elements for my project: Ray Tracing Multiple lighting Ambient lighting/Diffuse lighting Specular highlight Texture mapping for floor and basketball Bump mapping for ball 58831 Texture maps for my project: Ball: https://carloschapeton.com/workstuff/simpleMan/textures/basketball.png 15906 Bump map: https://carloschapeton.com/workstuff/simpleMan/textures/basketballBump.png 12166 Floor: I took a picture of a wooden tile using my phone since it was the closest to the wood type of a basketball court. 11681

My Project Progress

Progress 1: I've created the vertices for the sphere in OpenGL following the source: http://www.songho.ca/opengl/gl_sphere.html 23444 Restart and Progress 1: I've created the floor and wall, and placed the sphere in the desired position with lighting. However, I realized from this that the texture map is incorrect for the two discs; the wall and floor. So, next step I will add my texture maps to see it better in order to fix it. 28928 Progress 2: I added texture maps for the ball and floor, no bump map yet, but the texture map is still incorrect for the floor, so I'm still working on that. 79488 Progress 3: I made the squares of the checkboard rectangles, so I can add texture maps to create the basketball court floor. I will retake some pictures of my table top and add the new texture maps after editing the pictures also. 76287 Progress 4: 129560 Progress 5: I am currently working on having multiple lighting, and the rotation matrix to rotate the ball texture. 107443 Progress 6: 93151 Progress 7: I attempted to add the bump map but the color being ignored is not correct. Note: Bump maps affect the surface normal, not the color. 90319 Progress 8: I tried to work on the rotation matrix again. 102604 Progress 9: 98236 Progress 10 and Final Result: I had trouble getting the texture map to slightly turn at an angle to look like the ball in the image I wanted to recreate. I also had trouble getting the bump map for the ball. I did end up getting multiple results but none looked correct. In the 3480/proj folder 93507 1958997

Screenshot of Lab-2: Lines

Bresenham Line 8009

Lab-3: Rotation

Screenshot of Rotating Selfie Dog When calling render() after adjusting the angle, the image flashes and it just gets out of controls. So only rotates when the G key is pressed. 73592 There are "holes" in the image, and that causes the image to not print correctly or smoothly. 9544

Screenshot of Lab-4: Filling Area with Pixels

Circle - Key 1 7722 RGB Gradient Colored Triangle - Key 9 9898 Lab 4 - Art (Key b) I was going for a 3D look. So a ball appears in the middle of the screen when key 'b' is pressed with a colorful checked background. A bright red to light blue gradient from left to right and a brighter blue to yellow from top to bottom. 56249

Week/Lab 5:

OpenGL 17535

Screenshot of Lab-6: More OpenGL

Cylinder with Texture 11979 It's Animation I used OBS video recording to record the X11 Window, then converted it into a gif. 226929
Cylinder Screen capture in OpenGL 79951

Screenshot of Lab-7: Masses and Springs

Jello Screen capture in OpenGL 31605 String and Wind 10408

Screenshot of Lab-8: Ray Tracing

Saturn Rings and stars are random each render. 12504

Screenshot of Lab-9: More Ray Tracing

Beach Scene 779352

Screenshot of Lab-10: More Ray Tracing

Vase Render 80936 Back To Top