3480 - Computer Graphics - Semester Project
Edwin Hernandez

Animated Zoom For Fractal

Project summary: Allow the user to input a coordinate destination, then produce an animated zoom to that spot.

My Computer Graphics elements:
To demonstrate my study: What needs to be completed:

Progress #1
One step zoom test: testing keyframe animation with just one zoom to see if the math is implemented correctly.

Math Behind The Zoom Progress
calculating how to traverse in steps by hand:

Progress #3
Progress: zooming features are semi working but animation isn't seamless, gif is sped up 2x

What still needs to be done: modify max_iterations when traversing over the black portion, it is making the zooming process slow. Change my zoom scale to zoom in further.

lab-15 work - user is able to input coordinates without the need to click on a position in order to zoom.

Screenshot of lab8: