LAB 4 CMPS 2680

Q: What is the CSS box model?
A: CSS box model is a box that wraps every HTML element. Contains padding, margins, borders, and the content.

Q: What is the difference between margin and padding?
A: Margin is the space outside the element and Padding is the space inside the element.

Q: How is an HTML element height and width determined?
A: The height and width determines the size that the element will be.

Q: Expalin this CSS property: padding:25px 50px;
A: This CSS padding is basically saying that the height of the padding will be 25px and have a width of 50px.

Q: What is the difference bewtween a border and an outline?
A: The difference between a border and an outline is that an outline is a line outside of the border to make the element stand out.