Emil's CMPS 3350 Lab 10

download APK here

Click the image above to download the APK


When the button is clicked, the textview will change from "Hello World" to "Emil Miranda."

Also, a toast will appear with the message "Emil Miranda's app."

To close the app, the user can swipe down atleast half the screen size in a relatively straight line. If the swipe is not straight enough, the app will not exit.


The mininum Android version this app will be compatible with is Marshmallow. Lower Android versions may work but some featues may not function correctly.


The Android device must accept to install APKs from "Unknown Sources" in Settings. Click here to view an article on how to do so.


The application can now read a text file on Odin and will display the output on the application.


The application can now use the Step_Detector sensor to update the Step activity.