CMPS-3350 Software Engineering


In this lab, you will:

Step 1:
Work with your team on this lab.

Discuss your ideas for a game project.
Look at some of the frameworks available at:

You may use sftp to quickly bring a framework to your Desktop.

1. Go to your Desktop
2. sftp you@odin
3. cd /home/fac/gordon/p/3350/code/frameworks
4. get -r walk
5. quit
6. cd walk
7. make clean
8. make
9. ./walk

Step 2:
Work together to create your PDF.

Look at the samples on our teams link.

1. Choose one member of your team.

2. Copy your PDF to his or her 3350/4/ folder on Odin.

3. Name your file with an extension of lower-case .pdf
   Gordon will find it.

Step 3:
Establish one Github repository for your group project.

One member of your team may host your project in their account.

Give your repo a name that somewhat identifies your project or group.

   bad repo names:

   good repo names:

Write the repo URL address to a text file at:


Your instructor will find it.

Step 4:
When you complete the tasks above, we will do a few tasks together in class.

  1. Establish a source file for each team member.
  2. Update your Makefile.
  3. Build a "Credits" page for your team members.
  4. Clone, modify, and push your project code.