Lab 4 FAQ for CSS Box Model

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: What is the CSS box model?

The CSS box model is a box that wraps around every HTML element. It contains margins, borders and paddings.

Q: What is the difference between margin and padding?

Q: How is an HTML element height and width determined?

An HTML element's width and height is determined by the values given to the 'height:' and 'width:' properties. This is done through CSS, or within the tag of the element.

Q: Explain this CSS property: padding:25px 50px;

The CSS property, 'padding:25px 50px' specifies that the top and bottom padding of the element will be 25px, and the right and left padding will be 50px.

Q: What is the difference between a border and an outline?

The difference between a border and an outline is that an outline,