Assignment 2: Array Coding Huaqing Wang I. Purpose: Understand Java Array II. Description: Write a program which displays the following line: Enter H/h/? for help, or command : When H/h/? is entered, the following menu is printed: ======================== CS 3990 Assignment 2 =============== G/g: Ask for a N, and generate N X N array of charctors and fill the array with random characters randomly picked up from "" and "ABC...XYZ". S/s/ : Display the array in N columns and N rows. V/v/ : Repetively 1. rotate each of rechtagles circle one position colockwise, 2. disply the array. 3. Prompt for contime with step 1 or quit. -------------------------------------------------------------- H/h/?: Display this menu. E/e : Exit ============================================================== Write code to implement the actions shown in the menu.