1. Hustle 2. The purpose of my website is to inform others about improving their health with exercise and diet. 3. Anyone who wants to change and live a healthier lyfestyle. 4. I will need 5 pages, 3 of them to separate my categories, and the other two for searching and adding comments. 5. Some features will be visitors can comment and sign up for the program. 6.Visitors will be able to add their comments and request specifics. 7.My layout will be simple and you will be able to easily navigate through the weight lifting, meal prep, and cardio and core pages. 8.My colors for my theme are pink, green, white , and black. 9.My page will have the page navigation across the top. 10. Yes there are plenty of websites like mine that include recipes and good exercises. I will be focusing more on include weight lifting exercises and will focus more on how to meal prep not just recipes. 11.I would like to be able to incorperate example videos within the pages. 12.All my site content will come from things that I include in my everyday life.