Final Proposal

JG Real Estate
Job Gomez

What is the website about?

The website will be a brochure to showcase a real estate agency.
This agency will have the agency's location and contact information.
It will contain the different types of properties that are going to be
sold such as comercial or residential properties. It will also display
the propery's market value and give a brief summary of the property's
location, surrounding area, and the size of the land.

What is the purpose of the website?

The purpose of this website is to display the different types of
properties that are available to be sold to customers. This website
will try to make it easy for people who are looking to buy property.

Who is your target audience?

This website will mainly target people who are looking to buy a home for
for their families or people who are looking to buy properties to make
a profit.

What information will the homepage have?

The homepage will contain general information about the agency's purpose
to clients. It will also contain information about the agency's
representatives and the different people that works at the agency.

What features will you have in your website?

I plan to have a horizontal drop down menu bar where it will have the
different webpages to the contact page, information about the employees,
pricing, etc. In the page where the different properties are displayed,
I want to have a responsive popup window appear, giving more information
about the property that was selected. I also want to have a email
contact page. A user can send an email, from the webpage, to the agency's

What do you want your visitors to do at your site?

I want them to look at the webpages that give information on the reps,
listing of the different properties, and the email contact page if they
have any questions about the agency's listings or representatives. I want
the visitors to interact look through the property listings, employee's
information, and fill out a webpage form.

How many pages of content will be needed and what are their purpose?

This webpage will use at most six pages.

What will the layout be?

I will have a horizontal menu bar with the home, properties, contact, and
representatives tab. There will be a header part with the agency's name
and colorscheme. Then, the body will have all the relevant information
pertaining to the webpage. Lastly it will have a footer with the copyright
and any additional information that is needed on the webpage for the users

What colors will be used?

I plan to use greens, beige, and earthy colors.

Are there websites that already exist which are closely related to yours?

After looking through some real estate websites, has some
characteristics that I want in my website but the layout of the websites
is different to what I want. The contact of their website looks very nice
and compact that i would like to incorporate it in my website. I may end
using a similiar format to their contact page if I have the time.

What makes your website similar/different to and from others?

What other websites differ to my idea is that there are some websites that
have a search form on their home page to search for agents, location, or
price range of a property. There are some similarities to the idea of
what I want. Other websites have a horizontal navigation bar with a
dropdown menu, headers, and a body with text or images.