3420 Lab instructions 1. Log in to Odin 2. Copy sqlite folder from my public directory to your home: cp -r /home/fac/nick/public/3420/sqlite . 3. Enter the directory and run the sqlite3 binary with hotels.db: cd sqlite ./sqlite3 hotels.db Your lab work is to start writing the Hotels queries in SQL and try them on the provided database. I'm using a modified list of Dr. Wang's queries, which you can see here. https://www.cs.csub.edu/~nick/3420/QueriesOnHotel.txt Tips for SQLite: - type .help and hit enter to get a list of commands - exit sqlite with .exit - show tables with .tables - show a table's schema with .schema tablename - end SQL statements with a semicolon: SELECT * FROM Hotel; - refer to sqlitetutorial.net for guidance, namely on SELECT, WHERE, INNER JOIN https://www.sqlitetutorial.net/sqlite-select/ - format query output using: .mode column .header on - save query output using: .output filename // saves following output to filename run your query // executes SQL .output // restores output mode to screen - execute a query stored in file.sql: ./sqlite3 hotels.db < file.sql OR ./sqlite3 hotels.db sqlite> .read file.sql