US History Test


Section 1- True or False

1. Benjamin Franklin was a US President.
True False

2. Washington D.C. was the first US Capital.
True False

The White house was burned down in 1814.
True False

FDR said "Speak Softly and Carry a Big Stick."
True False

The US has spent over 90% of its history at War.
True False

Section 2 - Multiple Choice

6. How many times has the US officially declared war?
A. 5 Times
B. 8 Times
C. 12 Times
D. 17 Times

7. What is the name of the ship that brought the Pilgrims to America?
A. Discovery
B. Mayflower
C. Speedwell
D. Godspeed

8. What year was the Boston Massacre?
A. 1770
B. 1772
C. 1774
D. 1776

9. Which Founding Father was the leader of the Sons of Liberty?
A. John Adams
B. Patrick Henry
C. Samuel Adams
D. John Jay

10. What year did the Great Depression start?
A. 1905
B. 1919
C. 1929
D. 1941