Welcome to 's Homework 2

3a. var1 + var2

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3b. var1 . var2

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4a. var1 + var2

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4b. var1 . var2

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5a. var1 + var2

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5b. var1 . var2

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6a. var1 + var2

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6b. var1 . var2

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7a. Why an int + double results in a double

Since an integer is a whole number without fraction, if it where to be added to a double which contains a whole/fraction number seperated by a decimal then the numbers after the decimal point will carry over which would make the result being a fractional type answer

7b. Why a string starting with a numeric value + int results in a numeric value

If a string starts with a numeric value, then that value gets taken into the equation. But if the string has no numeric value in front or it has a numeric value after then that numerica value does not get taken into the equation.

7c. Why a string + double results in a double

I dont know