"Latest News", 'date published' => "October 23, 2016", 'publisher' => "Mark", 'content' => "Interested in building and developing an Application? Using Java programming and C# combination to design the best App around the world. Work with a team and get paid for the best Application ever developed." ), array( 'title' => "FBS News", 'date published' => "April 12, 2016", 'publisher' => "Pete", 'content' => "Plus tôt dans la journée, un agent a été trouvé dans le trou près de la tour Eiffel et est secouru. Comment? Il a utilisé une rampe de lancement en sautant le plus haut possible pour sortir de la, car le trou était long de quatre pieds. Cependant, c'est l'équipe de recherche et de sauvetage de l'agent qui l'a trouvé " ), array( 'title' => "Software Engineering", 'date published' => "August 18, 2016", 'publisher' => "Kenny", 'content' => "Interested in building and developing software? Become a Software Engineer by enrolling in online software engineering courses today and start your career in developing. Make an evolution by making a team and come up with your own software project to get paid. Make your dream a reality." ), array( 'title' => "Starting MAX and MIN", 'date published' => "December 6, 2017", 'publisher' => "Brad", 'content' => "When you have a MAX implied to MIN which results the distance between them. The MAX is 100 and the MIN is 20, how much will it take to have the MAX and the MIN together. The answer is 5 when dividing the MAX and the MIN by calculation." ) ]; function sanitize($var) { return(htmlentities(strip_tags(trim($var)),ENT_QUOTES)); } function create_news() { $template_file = "knmtnews.php"; if (file_exists($template_file) ) { if (is_array($links) ) { extract($links); } ob_start(); include $template_file; return ob_get_clean((); } } ?>