Lab 6 - Communication Research

Name: Kevin Mitra

Date: March 2, 2021

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1. Identify the primary programming language used in your application.

The primary language will be using is Python

2. Is your language compiled or interpreted?

Using the Python language we can have the users connect to the server to send and receive messages from other users. The Python language will be used to write the compiler for connection to the server from client.

3. Identify the underlying components of communication that will be used in your application.

High Level...

What components of your application will communicate?

When the user sends messages to another user using the client server throughout communication.

UML Communication Diagram shown here

Relay UML Diagram

Low Level...

Standards provide the server module of the socket to connect users to the server to communicate with other users through sending and receiving messages.

4. Waiting...

How will one component of you application wait for another component?

The user joins the chat to send message to the other user and that user waits to receive the message being sent from.

Where will "waiting" take place in your application?

The waiting will take place when the connection to the server is done by the client. Particularly more clients may connect to the server to chat with other users.

What components are waiting for other components?

Whenever the user joins the chat then sends message to the other user and that user receives it.