Matthew De Guia CMPS 2680 Project 3 Proposal ----------------------------------------------------- 1. 2. The purpose of this website is to have a website to showcase my music 3. My audience is anyone who listens to my music, or that would want to get to know more about it 4. I want to have 5 pages total - first page: title at the top, artwork background that fits the vibe of the page - second page: about me page - third page: all my music releases - fourth page: all the music collaborations with different music collectives - fifth page: contact info, and an input box that lets the user direct message me 5. It has a playable music player and a user input box that let's the user message the page owner 6. They can interact with the music player, use to find other music pages, and contact me. 7. On the main mage, there will be a title at the top with a navigation bar underneath. It will also have all of my links to my social media at the bottom 8. I want to use dark pastelle colors for a clean look, but I might use photos as well for the background 9. The page navigation bar will be on every page at the top, underneath the logo 10. There are a couple of other websites that lets artists showcase their art, but mine will be different because I'll be able to fully customize it the way I want 11. I want to incorporate a gif for the header, changing background images, and maybe sounds when clicking on certain things 12. I've always wanted to make a website for my music like this. Thanks to this class, I have learned the tools to do it. I might change certain things visually, and I might add more interactive uses, but this is generally the idea I want for the website.