Campus Location
Office: Science Building III, Room 319 Spring 2025 Schedule:
Office hours: M 4:50-5:30pm (online only), Tu 12:00-2:00pm, W 4:00-5:30pm (online only), Th 12:00-1:00pm
(Note: I may be slightly late to TuTh office hours if Senate meetings run long)
You can also contact me via Discord, Slack, and email during office hours. Outside of office hours, please allow 2 business days for a reply.
Slack and Discord links are posted on Canvas/Moodle for people in my courses. People not in those courses can send me an email to get the links.
People can also email or direct message me to get an appointment at a different time or to request a Zoom meeting.

Site Navigation
Current and past courses I have taught can be found in the Teaching section.
The Research section contains my research interests, projects, publications
and curriculum vitae (CV). Documentation useful for students, links to the CSUB
library databases, and links to various computer related organizations are
in the Links section. My mailing address and email address can be found in
the Contact section.
Linux Tip
If you are having any issues with the graphical desktop on Linux, press
CTRL+ALT+F1 to drop down to the text-based console where you can log in to the
'student' account with a single terminal session. To go back to the graphical
desktop, press CTRL+ALT+F7 (but don't forget to log out of Odin and the
'student' account in the text console first).
Information Security (IS) & Global Intelligence and National Security (GINS)
Computer Science students wanting to know more about the Information Security
concentration and GINS students wanting to know more about how to incorporate
technology skills into their GINS coursework can click on the IS/GINS link in
the menu to the left.
Social Networking Note
I will accept requests to connect on LinkedIn from students in the CEE/CS
department. However, to maintain propriety, I will not send requests to
connect to students. It might take me a few days / weeks to respond to
connection requests on LinkedIn.
I do not have a Facebook, Instagram, or other social media accounts, so
any requests claiming to come from me from those sources should be treated
as a spam or phishing attempt.
REVS-UP Summer 2018
Click on the following link for materials:
NSF SFS Dissemination Workshop Summer 2015
This workshop was primarily for K-12 teachers and university instructors who
are interested in the materials developed for the two cybersecurity REVS-UP
sections at CSUB. The workshop agenda and materials can be found at
Campus Resources
My Eduroam Connection Guide for Linux NetworkManagerMy Department Server Connection Guide
CEE/CS Department Homepage
Department Moodle1 Site (older courses)
Department Moodle3 Site (current courses)
CS Department Downloads - Microsoft Academic Alliance information, Putty download link, and more
CSUB main website
Walter W. Stern Library