Lab 7: Project II Status Report

Lab 7: Project II Status Report

Screenshot of Application:

Above is a snapshot of the user's screen upon entry of the application. To proceed further and access the app's social media functionalities, users must first input a username.

Screenshots of Example Code:

Above is a snapshot of an example code from our application applying the Express framework. Here a http instance is decared wrapped with SocketIO.

Above is a snapshot of an example code from our application source code. Here, the an instantiation of the server instance is declared with the value socket at port 8000.

The main language we decided to use was Javascript. We implemented the ReactJS framework with ExpressJS middleware. We have written approximately 40 lines of code in our overall development to establish our NodeJS server with SocketIO communication.

Interesting Feature:

I would say the most interesting feature of our application will be the like function. We have not yet developed a liking scheme, but the number of likes a post has dictates its lifeline. We first are required to establish the server and its socket connections before allowing client connections to then have the liking functionality with others' posts.


We are at approximately 25% completion of our application.

One interesting thing I learned was how to use SocketIO. I find SocketIO to be an easy-to-use but powerful device for implementing real-time communication.