CMPS 4350 Project 3: Bounce


Users will control a rectangular platform on the bottom of the screen as balls are thrown into the screen. The user must use the rectangular platform to keep the balls from falling off the bottom screen and keep the balls bouncing. As the difficulty rises, more balls are thrown in the screen, the platform shrinks in size, and different types of balls are introduced. I plan on utilizing the TYPE_GYROSCOPE to capture the rate of rotation of the Android device as my sensor.

Lab 12 Questions:

1. I will collect the Android device's rate of rotation using the TYPE_GYROSCOPE sensor. TYPE_GYROSCOPE is a hardware-based motion sensor; it stores device's rate of rotation (measured in radians/second) in a multi-dimensional arrays of values for each Sensor Event. I, specifically, aim for SensorEvent.values[1] that hold the device's rate of rotation around the y-axis.

2. The range of possible values are expressed in radians/second. In TYPE_GYROSCOPE's case, SensorEvent.values[0] will hold the rate of rotation around the x-axis, SensorEvent.values[1] will hold the rate of rotation around the y-axis, and SensorEvent.values[2] will hold the rate of rotation of the z-axis.

3. I plan to first test the sensor by simply outputting the current SensorEvent.value[1], in other words, the test device's current rate of rotation around the y-axis. I believe seeing the immediate output of SensorEvent.value[1] on the screen while rotating a test device will help me decide which values I can use as anchors to manipulate the rectangular platform controlled by the user via TYPE_GYROSCOPE.

4. I have created a remote Github repo (Click here to see Github repo!) and am still working on pushing a testing phase to the remote repo.

Final Presentation:

Screenshot of app:
Screenshop of app orientation collection:
Screenshot of PongView: