Matthew Taylor
        4490 - Game Development

First Screenshot:
Lab-2: Controls for movement shown on screen. Strafing and pitch controls added. Smoke from lab 4 migrated.
Lab-3: Physics rate: 1/30 seconds. Fixed shadows for clock hands. Metronome, child, and usleep on. Attempted scaling based on window size. Parent and child clocks synced on creation w/ in-class code.
Lab-4: Smoke particles. Billboarding. Sorted based on distance to camera.
Lab-5: Shows when two lines intersect. Highlights the location where the lines intersect. Pool Table with 6 pockets and 4 balls. Collision detection between balls and pocket. Balls disappear when colliding with pockets. Creates a trail following mouse movement. Collects score as mouse intersects line. Line disappears when intersected or too much time passes.