CS3680 Rodrigo Ortiz Lab 8 1. The cookie isActive is set to 0 2. You can't connect to blog.php from typing in the address in the URL because the computer doesn't have the cookie information to allow it to enter. 3. The cookies and values of cs.csubak.edu domain are Cookie: isActive Value: 1 (request cookie isActive is set to 0) Cookie: userInfo Value: This cookie could store sensitive data Cookie: _ga Value: GA1.2.1669494185.1526835672 4. Setting the cookie isActive to 1 and submitting the form allows blog.php to be displayed. 5. Clicking the link sends you to the page fakeEvil.php where someone can steal your information by stealing your cookies. The evil page redirects you to the website somethingcool.html Cookie values are still the same. 6. I don't see any changes when typing either texts on chrome or firefox, looking at the page source tells me that the brackets <> aren't taken literally. I can attach a screenshot (the dark colors is a firefox add on that alters pages to look dark disabling it doesn't change). 7. Cookies shouldn't contain sensitive information because someone may be able to use your information for malicious intents (using credit cards, identity theft...) 8. Never trust the user and always sanitize the data.