Name: Rose Phannavong The idea for my final project is a Social Media Website, where you can have User login/logout and the User can share images, no specific kind of image, but they can add captions for each image they post, or one post can consist of multiple images (under the same caption). Something like what Instagram does. The name of my website will be called Iconography. What I want visitors to do once they are at the website is to waste their time scrolling through the website just looking at what the Users shared. They cannot do anything else but lurk around the website. I know Instagram has this kind of lurking feature for visitors that just look up someone's Instagram username, and they do not need to be logged in. There will be an option for Users that are logged in, which can like or unlike a photo. Unsigned Users, will not have that option for them. They will be asked to login. The purpose of my website will just have Users share what they want to others and see what others have posted on the website. There will be a Login and Logout page, also a Home Page. The Home Page will consist of what the User last liked or unliked, if they are not signed in, then it will show whatever was posted recently, 'Recents' page. Will add a link to 'Most Liked Post' page and a 'Recents' page on the navigation bar, including the Home Page, and whatever else necessary. Each User will have their own Profile, that will have their respected information, such as their username, a little bio, and a list of what they have posted so far. There will be a section where the User can put their other Social Media accounts where other people can connect with them. For example, like Twitter or Facebook. Or a User might want to advertise their art or products, and link their store. I also want to have the option to share a User's post on the side of the photo, or somewhere on the post, to where it copies the link of where the post is from and they can go send people the link. My database will contain a Users table to verify the User's username and password. I am not sure what other tables I would need or could do for this idea. Maybe an Images Table that each User has, which holds all the images the User has posted?.. What makes my website similar to others is the Social Media concept with sharing images, like Instagram and 9gag. What makes it different is nothing really. The website I am creating for Project 2, is not anything new to the Social Media world. I mostly want to attempt to recreate a popular Social Media Website. A lot of Social Media Websites have a comments section or a follow button. It would be cool to implement them. I may try to do a simple 'follow' button, where the User can 'heart' another User, and view their 'heart' page to see all the people on their 'heart' list.