What is the name of your website?

Robo Builder Inc.

What is your website about?

You get to create a robot, visualize how much money it will cost to make it, and see the finished product.

What is your target audience?

Villains who need some help from a metal machine and are willing to pay top dollar.

What information will you have on your homepage?

A prompt for a "secret" password (it will be whatever password you put in). A dark web-esque background with the corporation logo on it.

What features will you have within your website?

A list of robot parts that you can mix and match and put into your cart (only one per body part), a wallet total, and a viewable customized robot.

What do you want visitors to do once they're at your site?

Enter in whatever password you want to get into the "secret" shop, and then buy robot parts, and view your assembled robot once you've bought a part for each limb.

What type of actions do you want your visitors to take within your website?

Click on various add to cart links, and when they've got enough parts, they can purchase an entire robot.

How many pages of content will need to be developed and what is the purpose of those pages?

3 pages will be made. The first page you'll see will be a fake dark web "AUTHORIZED ENTRY ONLY" type of website for villain aeshetic.

The second page will have a bunch of robot parts along with a checkmark of whatever parts you've got in your cart currently, and you won't be able to buy a full robot until you have a part for each limb.

The last page will show your completed robot based off of the parts you bought.

What is the layout theme of your website?

Similar to project 1, but with more space for buttons and stuff.

What colors will you be using for your overall theme?

Very dark colors, stuff like purple and black, maybe some red for intensity.

What style of page navigation will your website have?

A basic scroll down for the page where you buy parts, with a big "BUILD IT" button somewhere on the page.

Are there any websites that already exist which are closely related to yours? What are they?

I'm sure there are plenty of things like this on the dark web, but I've never cared to look and I also value my life.

What types of things do you see on other websites that you would like to incorporate within your website? Will you?

a very low monotone music to set the mood, but I might not.

What makes your website similar to others?

Its a basic shopping website.

What makes your website different from others?

It has a villainy tone to it, and everything (the money, product, etc) is fake.

What more can you state about your website

I'll probably add on more stuff/change the aesthetic as I start building it, since my ideas tend to change when I actually work on something.