Final Proposal

1. The name of my website is Steveslist. 
2. The website is about buying and selling items locally and safely, unlike Craigslist.
3. The home page will have the most recent item placed for sale.
4. Front end with be user friendly with easy to find navigation.
5. Bank end will handle user accounts plus items placed for sale.
6. Scroll through items for sale and see if they would like to buy anything.
7. Vistors will be required to log in to see seller information to contact the seller.
8. Users will be able to email the seller to request a meet or get more information about the product for sale.
9. Home page is used as the landing page 
   For Sale page is used to see the items for sale 
   Registration page is used to register to the site 
   Login page to log into the site 
   Sell Item page to place a new item for sale
10. Members table to hold registered user's account info
    Items table to hold information about items for sale
11. Layout/theme will be like Craigslist but better