Final Project Proposal

For my Final Project, I am choosing to do a e-commerce website bootlegging off of my Project 2. My webpage will be calledShoeTopia. The purpose of my website will be to advertise and promote the companies various shoe products. The site will consist of several pages: a home page, store page, sale items page, account registration page, log in page, help page, and, in the banner, links to specific brands of shoes. There will also be a page to change profile settings. Finally, the footer will be a banner at the bottom of the page with important links like help, customer service, etc. All pages will be stylized with a consistent bootstrap theme using glyphicons and other stylistic features. Specifically, the Home page will have a carosel displaying featured items, kind of like a teaser, for users who arent logged in. Once logged in, the home page will switch to display all of our products and all of the specific brand links will appear in the navigation bar. Prior to being logged in, the nav bar will only contain a login button and a register for an account button. Once logged in, all of the other links to the above-referenced webpages will appear. The store page will display all of the items similar to project2, but with the added footer feature. The sale items page will only be available to registered users and will display the sale items with all of the logged in usere nav links at top. The register for an account page will display an interactive form for a user to become registered. The special feature of this page will be that upon successfull registration, the user will receive an email confirming their registration with login in credentials. The registration page will only contain the basic non-user nav links and the standard footer. The login page will contain an interactive form prompting for user credentials and alert the user if the information entered was wrong, and also alerting if login was successful. This page will only contain the basicnon-user login nav bar and standard footer. The Help Page will contain all registered users navbar functions and will have frequently asked questions as well as customer service phone number. Lastly each specific brand link in the nav bar will lead to pages which will display only products from which the link is associated with. These pages will contain all of the links offered to a registered users and the standard footer. As for style, the page will be basic and straightforward, not too much to distract the eye, instead of focusing on color and other distractions, this page will focus more on the product offered. The goal of this site will be to offer the user a simple way to order quality shoes, with a minimal amount of effort on their part. There are numerous websites out there which advertise the same type of product, and in particular I am implementing some of the features found on a major brands website by including specific brand links and by implementing the standard footer.