Starset's Wikipedia page
Starset's website (fancy!)
Starset's latest single with Breaking Benjamin
Content Creation Starset Home


Why They're Great!

I'm not sure entirely all the musical categories that Starset fits into exactly, but the one that I always remember is "cinematic rock". Their music was perfect for my middle school self to imagine animated music videos about (Maybe I can eventually make one myself one of these days!). With every album that came out, not one bad song was on the tracklists (in my opinion).

An MS Paint depiction of me enjoying Starset as a teenager.

Meeting Starset

In 2022, I was able to get VIP tickets to a Starset concert in San Diego. I got a cool picture with them, and an autographed poster. They also had a Starset electric guitar for sale at the merch table. Let me tell you, dear reader, that I could not resist, and it also came with a signing! And a setlist! I was also able to ask the lead singer if it would be weird for me to copy the tattoos that all the bandmates have. Thankfully, he informed that it would not be weird at all! This brought me great relief, and I have yet to get any tattoos to this day. (oops!)

The aforementioned guitar.