"Who is: "All Things Sewing?"about pg.2"

All About: "All Things Sewing"

Why I Love Sewing: And So will You

It's Easier Than You Think: You Just Have to Get Started; And Live in a Sewing Factory


Even though my sewing skills are not perfect, they are satisfactory, but most important is that I make my clothing first for durability, then for ease of fit, and finally for style. Hopefully, I will be able to help you find your creative power in inner drive that you will develop in mastering your sewing skills.

It was the summer of 1984 that I decided to learn how to sew. One lady was going to teach me, but it didn't materialize. An older Japanese lady that I met in a Los Angeles City College Voice Class named Yuki Nagano taught me how to sew. She help me sew a shirt. We made it in a week. At the time, I was older and living with my mother. I had to used mom's "Singer Featherweight" sewing machine to practice and go over the steps I learned with Yuki because I didn't even own a sewing machine.

On my birthday, January 2, 1985, I purchase my first sewing machine from Neiman's Sewing Machine on 8th and Main St in Los Angeles. It was an gorgeous blue Singer 20U Industrial Ziz Zag sewing machine. Three weeks later I enrolled in Los Angeles Trade Technical College (LATTC) taking a twice weekly Mens Patterrn Making class, and a Saturday 6-hour begining tailoring class

I spent roughly 8 years off and on attending LATTC. While there, in addition to sewing, I studied carpentry, cabinet making, and welding also.