It's All About: The Projects

Making Things are ALL the Fun

The First 25 Years are Learning Your Craft and Perfecting Your Skills

You do the same thing over and over. You just have to learn all the steps for memory.

Honestly, I could always sew quickly, but it took me 25 years to begin speeding up because that is how long it took me to digest the deeper language of sewing, pattern making and other sewing and life-related skills and I'm still learning and understanding the more subtle things about sewing as well as myself everyday.

Sewing will teach you patience. It is similar to a martial art, because you can not rush sewing, but you can perfect sewing by practicing with the goal of improving every single day. In these instructional videos, you will learn how to oconstruct shirts, pants, skirts, jackets and many types of accesories. The more you practice, the better you will become. Sewing really becomes fun when you know what you're doing and you plan how to get to project done fast, and you organized your factory better in the process ot making the projects.

I learned about dovetailing from a Singer Sewing Libary volume titled "Timesaving Sewing." In addition to dovetailing my sewing projects together where applicable, I also cross-dovetail many aspects of my extremely busy life together which, in a nutshell allows me to multi-plan and multi-accomplish durring the same finite, physical time constraints.
