KIE Announces 2019-2020 Faculty Fellows

KIE Announces 2019-2020 Faculty Fellows

The Kegley Institute of Ethics (KIE) at California State University, Bakersfield sponsors a Faculty Fellows Program designed to support faculty members from the sciences, humanities, engineering, education, social sciences, and business in developing ethics education and research projects at California State University, Bakersfield, and in the broader community. KIE offers two annual faculty fellowships: one faculty fellowship awarding one course release, and another for a faculty fellowship awarding one summer stipend.

The 2019-2020 KIE Faculty Fellowship recipients are Dr. Alice Hays(CSUB Department of Teacher Education) and Dr. Jeanine Kraybill(CSUB Department of Political Science). Dr. Hays’ project focuses on collaborating with local teachers and CSUB students to promote the development of ethical, social, and educational competencies in young students. Through the medium of Young Adult Literature (YAL), Dr. Hays’ research will support students in civic engagement and social justice awareness in our community.  Dr. Kraybill’s project focuses on the “different voice debate,” centered on representation of female judicial officers in the United States and, related to this, whether (and, if so, in what ways) female judges adjudicate differently on key issues than their male counterparts. Dr. Kraybill will investigate this issue by developing a survey that examines this question with juridical officers throughout California.

Dr. Michael Burroughs, KIE Director, described the Faculty Fellows Program as “a key step in supporting our excellent CSUB and KIE faculty members in developing cutting-edge research on the ethical dimensions of important and timely issues in our community.”

Dr. Nate Olson, KIE Associate Director and Chair of the Faculty Fellowship Review Committee, stated that “KIE is excited to support these two projects which promise to bring far-reaching benefits to our campus and community.”