KIE and CSUB Teacher Education Announce SEEDE Institute for Local Teachers

KIE and CSUB Teacher Education Announce SEEDE Institute for Local Teachers

SEEDE | Kegley Institute of Ethics, CSUBThe Kegley Institute of Ethics and Department of Teacher Education at California State University, Bakersfield recently announced the Social-Emotional, Ethics, and Democratic Education (SEEDE) Institute, a 3-day annual Institute that will make explicit the ethical, social-emotional, and democratic dimensions of K-4 schooling. Click here for the SEEDE program page.

The 3-day SEEDE Institute will feature interactive sessions for local K-4 educators on topics in ethics education, social-emotional learning (SEL), and democratic pedagogy. Sessions will provide information on current research in these fields but will primarily be devoted to practice, focusing on strategies for participating educators to adopt ethics, SEL, and democratic practices in the classroom, school, and more broadly, in our community.

At the conclusion of the Institute, participating educators will present on their plans to introduce ethics, SEL, and democratic pedagogy in their classrooms and schools at the California Teacher’s Summit. In addition to the training and resources on offer at the Institute, participating educators will receive a participation stipend ($1000) and a certificate of completion as “SEEDE Ambassadors.” In their role, Ambassadors will commit to incorporating ethics, SEL, and democratic pedagogy in their classrooms and schools. Follow up consultation sessions will be scheduled with Ambassadors to support their work in the following school year. As a result, this Institute will produce a committed community and network of structured support for teachers to increase ethics, SEL, and democratic pedagogy in our schools.

Applications for the SEEDE Institute can be filled out right here on our site: APPLY NOW or you can also follow this link to apply directly on our Google Form: here.